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Check our page To see or to visit for Museums and other geological curiosities of the World.
And the page Geological Curiosities of Belgium for Museums and other geological curiosities of Belgium.
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The profusion of our links is such that we cannot absolutely guarantee that they are all valid as you surf...
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(bois pétrifié (250 kg) - Eocène - Villa Maria, Bryan,
Texas, USA)
This search of links is an herculean job ! Help us !
Recherche de sites sur INTERNET
The "Minéraux et Fossiles" Magazine has published a few articles on the subjet :
Some sites of mineralogical interest of Internet network - J.-M. Le Cléac'h ( M&F 250 avril 1997 pp 33 & svtes)
You said Internet? - C. Roy ( M&F 269 janvier 1999 pp 31 & svtes)
Data processing, multimedia and Earth Sciences - T. Turlan ( M&F 308 juillet-aout 2002 pp 13 & svtes, 309 septembre 2002 pp 23 & svtes)