Center of Mineralogy and Paleontology of Belgium

Index plan du site

Pictures of field trips at Lemay
->vaulx.php Site Map

click on pictures to enlarge.
© Pictures : MJX, except otherwise specified.

- (23-09-2006)
- (23-09-2006)
-(photo MAT) (23-09-2006)
(photo MAT) (23-09-2006)
-(photo MAT) (23-09-2006)
(photo MAT) (23-09-2006)
-Vieux Chemin de Mons ? Noquarry in this way… (21-05-2005)
Vieux Chemin de Mons ? Noquarry in this way… (21-05-2005)
-Worst as rush hour at the
Worst as rush hour at the "crossingroad Léonard" (21-05-2005)
- (21-05-2005)
-Michal and the discovery of the century (21-05-2005)
Michal and the discovery of the century (21-05-2005)
-Michal and the discovery of the century (21-05-2005)
Michal and the discovery of the century (21-05-2005)
-…carrying on (21-05-2005)
…carrying on (21-05-2005)
-Sorry…broken… (21-05-2005)
Sorry…broken… (21-05-2005)
-red,rosé,italien,chilien,french….I'm not speeking of minerals (21-05-2005)
red,rosé,italien,chilien,french….I'm not speeking of minerals (21-05-2005)
- (21-05-2005)
-the group (30-10-2004)
the group (30-10-2004)
-the group (30-10-2004)
the group (30-10-2004)
-Photo NBA (30-10-2004)
Photo NBA (30-10-2004)
-Discovery of the right hole (30-10-2004)
Discovery of the right hole (30-10-2004)
-Discovery of the right hole (30-10-2004)
Discovery of the right hole (30-10-2004)
-Gérard & Roger in front of the
Gérard & Roger in front of the "piece of the day" (30-10-2004)
-Gérard & Roger in front of the
Gérard & Roger in front of the "piece of the day" (30-10-2004)

