


Mines & Quarries

Activities of the CMPB

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© Photos : MJX, behoudens andere indicatie.

We organise and participate to numerous activities in the field of paleontology, mineralogy, mines and quarries, and geology in general since 1963 :

  • Field trips
    Fields trips in Belgium and in the North of France and sometimes in the whole Europe.
    They are described also in more specific sites like Thorame around the Mediterranean Sea and for the rest of the world and for the visits of the underground world and of industrial archeology.
    Thanks to the obtaining licenses, the visits of quarries, abandoned or in activity, are always successful.

    Nocarcentre Ecaussinnes cmpb
    Nocarcentre - Ecaussinnes (photo MAT)

  • Visits of Museums
    British Museum in Londres, Mineralogy collection of the Sorbonne à Paris, collection of the "Ecole des Mines" in Paris, visit of the Museum of Natural History in Brussels...

    Iguanodon bernissartensis
    Iguanodon bernissartensis
    Crétacé Inférieur - Wealdien (coll. MRSNB)

  • Library
    An important Library with books and maps can be seen on request.
  • Conferences
    Conferences can be organised on different subjects :
    • Geology of Provence
    • Ammonites
    • Geology du Texas
    • Trona Mine in Wyoming
    • Salt Mine of Borth
    • "Rien ne vaut le Pérou"
    • Les tribulations d'un géologue en Chine
    • "Blancs cristaux et les 7 systèmes cristallins"
    • Mineral Photography
    • Volcanic Journey in Italy, practical advices and major risks
    • Underground Quarries of Paris
    • ...

    Une liste exhaustive se trouve à la page "Conférences".

  • Exhibitions
    We organize and participate to exhibitions on the themes of Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology.
  • Annual Shows
    We are participating to annual shows on the themes of Mineralogy, Geology and Paleontology.
  • bourse CMPB
    Brussels show - 2008
